are the ones who have that sort of artistic quality about them . 芸術の才能も長けています
the shunga widely-circulated as woodblock paints had high artistic quality . 版画として大量に出回った春画は、その芸術性は高い。
it was in the edo period that joruri became an art form of high artistic quality . 浄瑠璃が本格的な芸術性を備えるようになるのは江戸期に入ってからである。
he established a verse style with high artistic quality called shofu (basho style of the haiku ) and he was called a master of haiku . 蕉風と呼ばれる芸術性の高い句風を確立し、俳聖と呼ばれる。
words written by shoyo , unlike traditional words in kabuki , uses a difficult passage , but are of high artistic quality , giving dignity to this drama . 逍遥の手になる台詞は、それまでの歌舞伎のセリフと違い難解な語句を多用しながらも芸術性豊かな出来でこの劇の品格を高めている。